What's going on here?

So, what's going on here?

The IU Rugby Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary on September 8. The Mayan calendar "runs out of time" a couple months later, and some believe that this may portend the end of the World. Whether that's the case or not, we intend to make this a celebration for the ages, and have branded this event as the EOTW Celebration.

Being rugby guys, we've got some crazy plans for the weekend. Like a golf tournament, a parade, an "old boys" match against our arch-rival Purdue alumni, and a banquet at the IU Memorial Union, from which the rugby club was once banned. Just a guess, but I think that a couple of our favorite college bars might also see a spike in business.

I've always wanted to do another cross-country ride on my Harley, and just in case the World really does end, I figure I can kill two birds with one rock by riding my bike to the EOTW Celebration from Newport Beach, CA. The round-trip distance of my intended route looks to be just over 5,000 miles, and I'll be travelling through 13 states. So I'll give myself +/- 3 weeks to get'er done.

I plan on making some fun stops along the way, including 6 national parks, and will try and invoke my usual biker travel-habits as much as I can; like taking smaller roads when possible, staying away from chain restaurants, and starting a conversation with a local at each stop. I always learn some interesting stuff this way.

A lot of friends like to follow my travels when I do something crazy like this, and I've found these blogs to be a pretty fun way of sharing a story. If you follow this one, I hope that you enjoy the ride! If you'd like to read about some of my other adventures, just click on one of the links at the bottom right.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Heading West - Made it to Iowa City

I gave myself the whole day Monday to recover a bit, and I also got to hang out with a couple local buddies. Left Indy today about noon, and made it all the way to Iowa City. Total distance of about 400 miles - not bad.

Davenport seemed like the most interesting little city along the way, thought I didn't do much but drive through. And who knew that the Mississippi River had locks? Like, 27 of them! From Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, it drops something like 1,400 feet.  That's what I get for stopping and reading the little signs at all of those rest stops and historical markers.

Never been to the University of Iowa. But since it is a Big Ten school, I thought I'd have a look around.

Looks like they've spent a lot of money on their football stadium recently.

This is the basketball stadium. Crazy huh? You enter at the top of the stadium, and the whole thing is below ground-level.

They've got some cool, old buildings - but not as cool as the old buildings at IU. This was the capital building when Iowa was a territory, and when became a state in 1846. It was given to the University in 1847.

They've got a street like our Kirkwood at IU - lots of shops and bars. I asked a group of girls where the best college dinner experience was, and they all said I should go to Short's Burger and Shine, then around the corner to Whitey's for ice cream. And they were both, pretty darned good recommendations.

But, as you can clearly see, the people of Iowa show poor taste in motorcycles.  And, there weren't nearly as many hot coeds running around the Iowa campus as we have in Bloomington.  Overall, though, it seems like this can be pretty fun place. But hey, isn't EVERY university going to be a pretty fun place?

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