Davenport seemed like the most interesting little city along the way, thought I didn't do much but drive through. And who knew that the Mississippi River had locks? Like, 27 of them! From Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, it drops something like 1,400 feet. That's what I get for stopping and reading the little signs at all of those rest stops and historical markers.
Never been to the University of Iowa. But since it is a Big Ten school, I thought I'd have a look around.
Looks like they've spent a lot of money on their football stadium recently.
This is the basketball stadium. Crazy huh? You enter at the top of the stadium, and the whole thing is below ground-level.
They've got some cool, old buildings - but not as cool as the old buildings at IU. This was the capital building when Iowa was a territory, and when became a state in 1846. It was given to the University in 1847.
They've got a street like our Kirkwood at IU - lots of shops and bars. I asked a group of girls where the best college dinner experience was, and they all said I should go to Short's Burger and Shine, then around the corner to Whitey's for ice cream. And they were both, pretty darned good recommendations.
But, as you can clearly see, the people of Iowa show poor taste in motorcycles. And, there weren't nearly as many hot coeds running around the Iowa campus as we have in Bloomington. Overall, though, it seems like this can be pretty fun place. But hey, isn't EVERY university going to be a pretty fun place?